Greening The Spark now with Audio & Online Game Results

Two major new features, audio and online results, have been developed recently (and are still work in progress). For more details on the project, visit the GTS tab on the menu bar above, or click here. For greater detail on how audio and game results work, go to the GTS Tech Talk page.


Development of an audio capability has allowed the creation of a soundscape and a narrative. Sound effects enhance operation and bring it alive, while three characters inform staff and visitors about what is going on. Examples are:

Robotic GTS system voice
Aussie guide Logan
Indian guide Sajani

Game Results

At game over visitors can see the sparks* they’ve earned and their unique game number on the Visitor Control Panel. Meanwhile GTS has posted their detailed results online These contain a summary and three plots showing timelines of everything that has happened.

*Sparks are awarded for performance in the categories : economy. eco-friendliness and efficiency. Green is best, red is worst and blue is in between.

Visitors will be able to access their “Simulation Report” by using a QR code or following a link – currently unavailable and awaiting migration to a new website.